The upside-down position is orthopaedically approved for relieving pressure on the intervertebral disks as well as preventing back pains and tenseness of the muscles.
Features :
克特勒阿波罗反转表不仅有助于缓解背部疼痛,还有助于提高流通,灵活性和力量,降低未来背部问题和伤害的可能性。旋转:Kettler Apollo反转表非常适合在整个身体上增加循环。
Back Pain!
Back pain is one of the most common physical complaint in the world today. An estimated 85% of all people face some type of back problem in their lifetime. We all subject our backs to daily abuse such as heavy loads that stress the muscles and bad posture from sitting at a desk all day. But authorities agree that you can help avoid back problems by developing good posture and doing regular exercises.
大多数医生都认为大多数背部问题是由压力,菌株和弱肌肉引起的。我们的每个产品都是独一无二的,创新的,哈哈ve been developed by using leading medical advisors from around the world. Creating a healthy back is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It's the key to functional mobility to being able to do things you really want to in life.